Undergoing a medical procedure and anesthesia can be very anxiety provoking. Synergy Anesthesia wants to make you or your child’s experience as pleasant and easy as possible. The information provided on this website is intended to help you prepare for your anesthesia experience and help answer any questions you may have. If you have any questions that are not answered, either before or after your anesthesia experience, please do not hesitate to contact us. Additional in-depth information can be found on the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) website or the ASA patient website.
What to Expect for Endoscopy
What to expect before the day of your procedure.
In addition to the instructions your gastroenterologist will provide you, it is important that you not eat or drink anything after midnight the day before your procedure. Having an empty stomach before undergoing anesthesia helps ensure your safety. During anesthesia your muscles relax, and normal reflexes such as coughing do not function. You are more likely than normal to have stomach contents pass up to the mouth and enter your windpipe, possibly reaching your lungs. If this happens serious complications may occur. If your stomach is empty, this is much less likely to happen.
What to expect the day of your procedure.
After being admitted to the facility you will meet your anesthesiologist. He will review your medical history, discuss the anesthetic plan, and answer all your questions. In the procedure room you will be given supplemental oxygen and monitors will be used to monitor your blood pressure, heart rhythm, and breathing. Your anesthesiologist will give you medications through your IV to keep you comfortable and sleepy throughout the procedure. Most patients don’t remember any part of the procedure. However, it is possible that you may remember some brief moments. In the rare instance that this happens, you will feel no discomfort or anxiety. Your anesthesiologist will be present with you throughout the entire procedure from beginning to end. When the procedure is complete you will be taken to the post-procedure area where you will be monitored until you are ready to go home.
What to expect after your procedure
Although most patients recover from anesthesia very quickly and feel perfectly fine within minutes, it is possible that you will feel groggy for a number of hours after the procedure. Your appetite may be slightly diminished and in extremely rare circumstances you may have some nausea. Although you may feel normal, you should not drive, operate machinery, or make any important decisions for at least 24 hours after your procedure.
What to Expect for Surgery
What to expect before the day of your procedure.
In addition to the instructions your surgeon will provide you, it is important that you not eat or drink anything after midnight the day before your procedure. Having an empty stomach before undergoing anesthesia helps ensure your safety. During anesthesia your muscles relax, and normal reflexes such as coughing do not function. You are more likely than normal to have stomach contents pass up to the mouth and enter your windpipe, possibly reaching your lungs. If this happens serious complications may occur. If your stomach is empty, this is much less likely to happen.
What to expect the day of your procedure.
After being admitted to the facility you will meet your anesthesiologist. He will review your medical history, discuss the anesthetic plan, and answer all your questions. Most surgeries are done under general anesthesia or conscious sedation. Multiple factors including the type and duration of surgery, your medical history, your personal preference, and the opinion of the surgeon and anesthesiologist, will influence the anesthetic plan. In addition you may be offered regional anesthesia to help with post-operative pain (see Frequently Asked Questions for more details). In the operating room you will be given supplemental oxygen and monitors will be used to monitor your blood pressure, heart rhythm, and breathing. Your anesthesiologist will be present with you throughout the entire surgery from beginning to end. When the procedure is complete you will be taken to the post-procedure area where you will be monitored until you are ready to go home.
What to expect after your procedure.
Your recovery from surgery and anesthesia depends on a number of factors including the type and duration of surgery and anesthetic. You will wake up in the recovery room where you will closely monitored until you can go home. Although most patients wake up relatively comfortable, you may feel groggy, nauseous, or have some discomfort. If you are not comfortable when you wake up, notify the medical staff and we will make every effort fix the problem. When you are comfortable and ready, we will give you some light food and drink. When you are tolerating that, we will remove your IV and get you ready to go home. Although you may feel normal, you should not drive, operate machinery, or make any important decisions for at least 24 hours after your procedure.
More Information
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)
ASA patient website, Lifeline to Modern Medicine.
The Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United States (MHAUS)
Click to download the following brochures for more information:
Anesthesia & Me: discusses the important information you should provide your anesthesiologists prior to surgery.
Anesthesia for Ambulatory Surgery: discusses the basics of ambulatory anesthesia and surgery.
Be Smoke Free: discusses the dangers of smoking and how to stop smoking.
Herbal and Dietary Supplement Use and Anesthesia: discusses some commonly used herbal supplements and how they affect anesthesia and surgery.
My Trip to the Hospital: a useful coloring book for children to help them prepare for upcoming surgery.
Planning Your Childbirth: helps expectant mothers plan for childbirth.
Sedation Analgesia: discusses the types of sedation anesthesia used for medical procedures.
When Your Child Needs Anesthesia: helps prepare parents for their child’s surgery.
Disclaimer: Information on this site is provided as a service for SYNERGY ANESTHESIA patients and physicians and is intended solely for educational and professional use by SYNERGY ANESTHESIA. The patient and the physician should determine specific medical care. The information contained in this website does not represent specific recommendations of SYNERGY ANESTHESIA physicians. Patients with known or suspected medical conditions should be under the care and supervision of an appropriate medical professional. If immediate medical care is needed and this is an emergency please call 911.
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